SMA, Sunny Boy Storage Bundle, includes: 1, Sunny Boy Storage 6.0 Inverter, BYD Battery-Box-H10, 10.2kWh

SMA, Sunny Boy Storage Bundle, includes: 1, Sunny Boy Storage 6.0 Inverter, BYD Battery-Box-H10, 10.2kWh

Manufacturer: SMA
Product ID: 349-0058
Weight: 400.00 lbs
SMA, Sunny Boy Storage Bundle, includes: 1, Sunny Boy Storage 6.0 Inverter, 1, 200A ABU, Automatic Back-up Unit, 1, BYD Battery-Box-H10, 10.2kWh LFP Battery, UL-9540, BATB-102-BY-US-10

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